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COVID-19 continues to impact the world severely. Across the globe, the pandemic has transformed our lives completely with the need for personal distancing, lockdowns, and disruption of travel. The higher education sector has been challenged with campuses shut and teaching and learning moving to the online mode. The virtual classroom meant not only the deployment of technological tools but a new pedagogy.

From the very beginning, Ashoka’s response to the pandemic has been swift. The University took a series of actions to ensure a safe and hygienic campus. In less than a week, the university transitioned from classroom teaching to the online mode seamlessly with total commitment from faculty, students, and the administration.

Talking about this, LS Shashidhara, Dean of Research and Professor of Biology said, “Remarkably, the teaching and other academic activities continued uninterrupted showcasing the professionalism of Ashoka and the wonderful human resources we have in the University. The number of emails exchanged to address the problems, real and imaginary, that students may be facing while learning online were amazing. All those were systematically analysed, solutions identified, and deployed immediately. Quality, efficiency, importance to timely decisions, and implementation of right decisions reached by consensus, these are the hallmarks of a great university in making.”

Of great significance in these challenged times has been the contributions Ashoka has made through research and other modes of intervention to the fight against COVID 19.


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

Faculty Excellence

From working on the COVID vaccines to collaborating with different institutes, understanding the pandemic and lockdown’s effects on the social sector as well as on a wide-range aspects of life – Ashoka’s faculty’s efforts have been incredible.

Prof. LS Shashidhara, Dean of Research, and Gautam Menon, Professor of Physics and Biology, have co-founded along with others, Indian Scientists’ Response to COVID-19. The group has done a lot of work on science popularisation, busting myths, and on mathematical modelling. As President of the International Union of Biological Sciences, Prof. Shashidhara has called for enhanced international collaboration to combat the pandemic and is establishing an international working group on zoonotic diseases.

Faculty from Computer Science and Biology, along with students and alumni, have built an FAQ site, collating official data from across the world. The aim is to fight misinformation surrounding the crisis

News Initiative Hub

From working on the COVID vaccines to collaborating with different institutes, understanding the pandemic and lockdown’s effects on the social sector as well as on a wide-range aspects of life – Ashoka’s faculty’s efforts have been incredible.

Prof. LS Shashidhara, Dean of Research, and Gautam Menon, Professor of Physics and Biology, have co-founded along with others, Indian Scientists’ Response to COVID-19. The group has done a lot of work on science popularisation, busting myths, and on mathematical modelling. As President of the International Union of Biological Sciences, Prof. Shashidhara has called for enhanced international collaboration to combat the pandemic and is establishing an international working group on zoonotic diseases.

Faculty from Computer Science and Biology, along with students and alumni, have built an FAQ site, collating official data from across the world. The aim is to fight misinformation surrounding the crisis

Knowledge Hub

From working on the COVID vaccines to collaborating with different institutes, understanding the pandemic and lockdown’s effects on the social sector as well as on a wide-range aspects of life – Ashoka’s faculty’s efforts have been incredible.

Prof. LS Shashidhara, Dean of Research, and Gautam Menon, Professor of Physics and Biology, have co-founded along with others, Indian Scientists’ Response to COVID-19. The group has done a lot of work on science popularisation, busting myths, and on mathematical modelling. As President of the International Union of Biological Sciences, Prof. Shashidhara has called for enhanced international collaboration to combat the pandemic and is establishing an international working group on zoonotic diseases.

Faculty from Computer Science and Biology, along with students and alumni, have built an FAQ site, collating official data from across the world. The aim is to fight misinformation surrounding the crisis

Electives Hub

From working on the COVID vaccines to collaborating with different institutes, understanding the pandemic and lockdown’s effects on the social sector as well as on a wide-range aspects of life – Ashoka’s faculty’s efforts have been incredible.

Prof. LS Shashidhara, Dean of Research, and Gautam Menon, Professor of Physics and Biology, have co-founded along with others, Indian Scientists’ Response to COVID-19. The group has done a lot of work on science popularisation, busting myths, and on mathematical modelling. As President of the International Union of Biological Sciences, Prof. Shashidhara has called for enhanced international collaboration to combat the pandemic and is establishing an international working group on zoonotic diseases.

Faculty from Computer Science and Biology, along with students and alumni, have built an FAQ site, collating official data from across the world. The aim is to fight misinformation surrounding the crisis


Tea with BS: Ashoka University's Gautam Menon on getting ready for Covid-19

First sero survey shows extensive spread of Covid-19: From 36.1% to 65.4% in selected areas sampled in Pune

Covid disruption: Nilekani says education sector needs to adopt Aadhaar model

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
